Sprocket inspection

Get access to the 3D profile of your sprocket with 1μm resolution.


High-resolution 3D scan of your sprocket

Purpose of the installation




Problems before the installation





・Full 3D profile in a single scan

・1 μm resolution

・Fast & automated scanning

・User-friendly measurement and analysis

・Automated detection of microdefects

・Automated inspection report generation

・Export your data and inspection reports

3D scanning with 1μm resolution

Manufacturers need fast and precise solutions to meet the high quality requirements and the ever-demanding designs of modern manufacturing. This is especially true for sprockets that are subject to tight tolerances and short inspection times. With OptoComb 3D scanners by XTIA, manufacturers can measure at a 500,000points/sec rate and fully profile their sprocket with a resolution as good as 1μm . By integrating OptoComb 3D scanners in-line, manufacturers can thus fully automate the inspection of 100% of their manufactured sprockets and perform both the visual and dimensional inspection at once.

Dimensional inspection

Beyond 3D scanning, XTIA provides solutions to fully automate the inspection process of sprockets from data processing to part assessment. OptoComb Suite, XTIA's metrology software, can generate customized dimensional inspection recipes. It can then seamlessly process the 3D OptoComb data and leverage it to perform a full GD&T analysis of the part. OptoComb Suite gives access to all the tolerances of sprockets with high accuracy: diameter, roudness positional deviation, flatness and more. Manufacturer can thus leverage such data to feed their quality control process and optimize their production system.

Visual inspection

But with such a high-resolution, OptoComb 3D data can enable more than just dimensional inspection. It also provides unique insight for the visual inspection of sprockets. With OptoComb scanners, you can hence detect and identify 3D microdefects such as dents, scratches and burrs. Based on powerful defect detection algorithms, OptoComb Suite automates the visual inspection process and extracts accurate information on the size of such microdefects in all three dimensions. On the manufacturing line, such valuable information is key to create a reliable quality control process driven by quantitative information.